Dark Haired Girl
03/June/2009 12:26 Rubrique : Philip K. Dick

Pour mémoire, Linda Levy est la jeune fille aux cheveux noirs, objet de cristallisation de bien des fantasmes de Dick.
La collection est bien évidemment composée entièrement de pièces uniques, vendues à un prix exorbitant (mais quel autre prix est-il possible de fixer ?)
Le descriptif :
- 16 typed letters signed by Philip K. Dick, to Linda Levy, all but three with the original envelopes.
- Two typed letters to Linda Levy, unsigned (one with “Phil” typed as closing, the other from “Pen Pal No. 2”, which is a parody of the letter from Gregory, listed below).
- Three autograph letters signed by Philip K. Dick, to Linda Levy, 2 with envelopes.
- Two autograph letters signed by Tessa [Dick], to Linda Levy.
- Two postcards from Philip K. Dick to Linda Levy, unsigned with ink emendations by Dick.
- Greeting card with handwritten note, to Linda Levy, signed by Philip K. Dick, with envelope.
- Autograph letter signed by "Gregory," to Linda Levy, apparently the inspiration for the typed letter from “Pen Pal No. 2”, which is thought to be from Philip K. Dick.
- Three original snapshot photographs, black & white, of Linda Levy, taken by Philip K. Dick.
- Color snapshot photograph of Philip K. Dick, wearing a paisley shirt and seated on a couch, taken either by Linda Levy or given by Dick to Levy.
- Carbon of a letter from Philip K. Dick to his editor at Ballantine Scott Meredith, asking the dedication of the collection HUMAN IS to be changed to read “To Linda Levy – Let us run across a pasture, hand in hand, and never look back. With all my love.” With handwritten note by Dick at top, “Linda – Here is your dedication.”
- Two framed prints by George Grosz, signed by him in pencil, which were given by Philip K. Dick to Linda Levy.
- Copy of Rolling Stone magazine, Nov. 6, 1975, with an article on Philip K. Dick, purchased by Linda Levy at the request of Dick, with a dollar he had mailed to her.
- Book, “The Dark Haired Girl,” by Philip K. Dick, 1st edition, 1988, with dust jacket, signed by editor Paul Williams at the end of his introduction.
Le lien vers l’enchère.
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